Tag: could

Zimbabwe: How Constitutional Crisis Could Have Been Avoided

May 23, 2021
BY ALEX MAGAISA The government of Zimbabwe is the author of the current constitutional crisis where it is unclear how the dispute over Constitutional Amendment No. 2 can be properly and lawfully resolved. It could easily have been avoided if the government had respected and followed the constitution. There was no shortage of advice, but

Africa: Study shows vaccine nationalism could cost rich countries US$4.5 trillion

January 25, 2021
Paris — New comprehensive economic modelling shows advanced economies stand to lose trillions of dollars through vaccine nationalism – more than previously thoughtEconomic benefits of funding multilateral efforts to ensure equitable access to vaccines dwarf the costsAdvanced economies with international linkages have the most to gain from global collaboration on vaccine access and distribution A

Trump blames states amid claims it could take 10 years to vaccinate US at current pace

December 30, 2020
President Trump blamed the states for not vaccinating people fast enough. (PA)Operation Warp Speed is not going fast enough.Vaccinating enough Americans to overcome the pandemic spurred on by the coronavirus will take 10 years if the pace of vaccinations stays the same.The immunization program led by Vice President Mike Pence is supposed to make sure

Critics fear Trump could pressure William Barr’s successor for big favors

December 26, 2020
Photograph: Getty ImagesWilliam Barr’s abrupt move to leave his post as attorney general this week has spurred fears among Department of Justice veterans that Donald Trump will put new pressures on Barr’s successor to do him big and potentially risky political and legal favors.Former justice department officials say they are worried Trump will lean on

Trump could halt birthright citizenship as presidency wanes

November 21, 2020
President Trump may outlaw birthright citizenship — a long-promised victory for his base — in a last-minute executive order, according to reports. The Department of Justice has been asked to weigh in on the legal implications of an order ending an automatic right to US citizenship for children born on American soil to illegal immigrants

COVID-19 vaccine could be distributed to public by spring

November 10, 2020
Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar on Tuesday said a coronavirus vaccine could be ready to distribute widely to the public by spring. Azar told NBC’s “Today” show that Pfizer, which announced Monday that it developed a vaccine that proved to be 90 percent effective in late-stage trials, is stepping up production that would allow

Sean Connery’s widow could face jail time over alleged tax fraud

November 10, 2020
The late Sean Connery’s widow, 91-year-old Micheline Roquebrune, faces allegations of tax fraud in Spain that could land her in the slammer, according to a report. Roquebrune, who married the James Bond legend in 1975, has denied being involved in a scam in the sale of their home in Marbella, a city in the resort

Spending on Georgia Senate runoff elections could top $200M: report

November 6, 2020
Spending on potential runoff elections for Georgia’s two US Senate seats — which could decide control of the chamber — will likely exceed $200 million and shatter records, according to a report. Republicans plan to pour at least $100 million into efforts to return GOP Sen. Kelly Loeffler to the Capitol, CNBC said. The prediction

From her secret identity to how Joe Biden’s wife could become first career First Lady, everything you need to know

October 20, 2020
Jill Biden could become first first lady to have full-time job outside White House (Photo by JIM WATSON/AFP via Getty Images)She may be on the verge of becoming America’s first lady if her husband wins the White House, but don’t expect Dr Jill Biden to give up her teaching career.For Dr Biden, who has four

Kamala Harris Warns Russian Interference Could Cost Biden The Election

September 6, 2020
Democratic vice-presidential candidate Kamala Harris said that Russian election interference could cost Joe Biden the White House. When asked about Russian election interference on CNN’s State of the Union, Harris said: I am clear that Russia interfered in the election of the President of the United States in 2016. I serve on the senate intelligence

Mary Trump Warns Don Jr. and Ivanka Could Be Future Republican Candidates

August 4, 2020
Mary Trump has candidly discussed the possibility that Donald Trump’s children could enter politics if he loses the White House in the November election. The President’s niece gave an interview to the UK’s Independent newspaper where she talked about the possibility of her cousins seeking elected office after Trump’s administration. Mary Trump suggested that Donald Jr. and

The war hero who could be Biden’s running mate

August 1, 2020
Tammy Duckworth is an Iraq War veteranWho is Tammy Duckworth, the US senator from Illinois who is reportedly on the short list for the vice-presidential slot on the Democratic ticket?Born in Bangkok and wounded in the Iraq war, Tammy Duckworth has a Purple Heart and the instincts of a street fighter.Her name has come up

That Extra $600 Weekly Unemployment Check Could Soon Become Less Generous

July 23, 2020
In a recent survey, prominent economists across the ideological spectrum were nearly unanimous in saying a lack of jobs, not a lack of willingness to work, is holding back the economy right now. Not a single economist in the survey argued for cutting off extra benefits entirely right now.The most prominent voices calling to cut

How Joe Biden’s Strategy Could Help Him Win Wisconsin

July 19, 2020
ADAMS, Wis. — Nate Zimdars, a Democratic candidate for the Wisconsin State Assembly, arrived at the V.F.W. lodge here after marching in the local Independence Day parade, ready to meet voters at an annual outdoor chicken cookout called the “Chic Nic.” Although the event was hosted by the local Republican Party, Mr. Zimdars was far

Rachel Maddow Says New York Prosecutors Could Fast-Track Trump Tax Return Subpoena

July 10, 2020
Rachel Maddow said on Thursday night that she isn’t completely convinced that the subpoena over Donald Trump’s tax returns will have to wait until after the election to be resolved, as many legal and political experts have concluded. According to the MSNBC host, it’s possible for investigators to fast-track the process, which opens up the

Conservatives could push Kentucky Supreme Court right thanks to surprise open seat

July 8, 2020
Campaign Action Harris, meanwhile, represents an extremely red district in Martin and Pike counties on the very eastern tip of the state, but during the primary, Wright attacked him as an “anti-NRA Democrat” allied with “Louisville radicals.” Louisville is home to the largest Black population in the state and has been the site of major

Why Coronavirus Could Cause Millions of People Could Go Hungry, Even Though There’s Enough Food to Go Around

May 9, 2020
Jitendra Bangar tried to save his cabbage crop. The farmer, who lives in Bhiwandi, India, on the northeastern outskirts of Mumbai, spent the first few weeks of April spraying water on the vegetables he had harvested and stored, hoping that it would keep them fresh until he could sell them. But with strict lockdown measures…

Republicans Could Use the Coronavirus to Suppress Votes Across the Country. This Week We Got a Preview

April 24, 2020
In 1946, Mississippi Senator Theodore Bilbo instructed his followers that the way to keep black people from voting was to get “the tar and feathers and don’t forget the match.” In the Jim Crow South, African Americans faced bullets, beatings, lynching and more for trying to cast a ballot. Over the years the weapon has…

The Future of Bernie Sanders’ Campaign Could Depend on Michigan

April 7, 2020
Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders has a critical mission on Tuesday: beating former Vice President Joe Biden in Michigan. On a day when 352 of the remaining delegates in the Democratic presidential primary will be awarded, Michigan is the biggest prize, allocating 125 pledged delegates. But that’s not the only reason the Midwest state is crucial…

A Jim Crow-Era Law Could Change The Results of Today’s Election In Mississippi

November 5, 2019
If Jennifer Riley Collins, a former a military intelligence officer who served as head of the Mississippi American Civil Liberties Union, wins her race for Mississippi Attorney General today, she will become the first black woman elected to a statewide office in this historically red state. But the 53-year-old Democrat has more to worry about…

“It could be only reasonable to the reader to claim frankly in improve that the perspective of any adult towards this story can be…

March 12, 2017
“It could be only reasonable to the reader to claim frankly in strengthen that the angle of any grownup towards this story could be rather influenced with the aid of his theories of the Negro race. If he believes that the Negro In The US and in widely wide-spread is a typical and standard person, who below