The fight is not over, and neither is the celebration of a Biden-Harris presidency

My yard is full of signs that make clear EXACTLY where I stand, so I guess I shouldn’t have been surprised when, almost as soon as the election was finally called for Biden and Harris Saturday morning, my neighbors—even those I’d never met—descended for some celebratory bubbles. Once I stopped sobbing with joy, a neighbor took the best photo of me ever taken. 

Yes, my shirt does say “Anyone but Trump 2020.” I bought it just before Trump’s poorly-attended inauguration.

Of course, not all of my neighbors were happy. Mysteriously, the “Make Liberals Cry Again” flag has vanished from the house five doors down. And then this happened.

Alas, I don’t live in a major city. I live in a sleepy small town in Trump country. Let’s see what was happening in New York City. 

Seriously. The entire city exploded with joy. 

Here’s an impromptu march, marked by the former reality TV star’s catchphrase.

xTo have had the pleasure of walking around New York today during this historical moment, as the news hit, and seeing New Yorkers smiling, singing, waving, dancing and playing songs on their pots and pans from their balconies has been PURE magic. I felt like I was in a movie. 🇺🇸❤️— Jameela Jamil 🌈 (@jameelajamil) November 7, 2020

People were literally dancing in the streets … together.

Even native New Yorkers were struck by the widespread, vocal celebration.

Meanwhile, in Brooklyn, those who Trump tried to enlist as his accomplices in stealing the election were celebrated.

They also did their own bit of celebrating. 

While the hometown that rejected him rejoiced, Donald Trump was golfing. Yes, really. 

Washington, D.C. residents welcomed him back to his soon-to-be former home in the way you might expect.

People do not like the 45th occupant of the White House. 

Trump risked the life of his Secret Service detail to wave at supporters outside Walter Reed when he had COVID-19. He didn’t wave at this crowd.

This gentleman had a special gift for the one-term president.

After months of being force-fed footage of Trump Super Spreaders, folks were happy to sing Trump’s signature rally song to him once he was home.

xThe crowd outside the White House celebrating Joe Biden’s projected victory is blaring YMCA — the song President Trump closed out his latest rallies with.— Kaitlan Collins (@kaitlancollins) November 7, 2020

Oh, to be in D.C. today.

Delusional MAGA-bots stormed the Capitol, but they weren’t alone.

Let’s take a moment to see what this historic moment looked like for the nation’s new leadership. 

Here’s a snapshot from Biden’s granddaughter.

The epic, super-big deal that is a woman of color ascending to veep is not lost on ANYONE.

It’s baffling, when you think about it. This country is so sexist, and racist.

But, today is a new day. 

This is a very, very big deal.

xFor the first time in American history, come January 20, 2021, the second and third in line to the presidency will both be women.— Kristin Wilson (@kristin__wilson) November 7, 2020

The woman who should have been the nation’s first woman president only had kind words on offer.

xThe voters have spoken, and they have chosen @JoeBiden and @KamalaHarris to be our next president and vice president. It’s a history-making ticket, a repudiation of Trump, and a new page for America. Thank you to everyone who helped make this happen. Onward, together.— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) November 7, 2020

Sec. Hillary Clinton was far from the only big name to celebrate the brighter days ahead.

Folks celebrated wherever they were. 11/07/2020 is an entire MOOD.

Cher is known for being quite vocal—often in all-caps—on Twitter, but she held back … “for Joe.”

xCan’t Believe It ,IM SO SO, SO,SO HAPPY😭.It Would Be Easy To Post Horrible Pictures & Cartoons Oftrump,but Knowing Joe,He Really Means What He Says About Being The President ForEVERY🇺🇸,& As Tempting as itWOULD BE,OUT OF RESPECT FOR JOE I WONT POSTHORRIBLE PICS OF trump🙄— Cher (@cher) November 7, 2020

Even musicians known for being melancholy couldn’t stifle their joy. 

Another famous Brit, while celebrating the Biden-Harris victory, reminded us how much Trump has hurt perceptions of the U.S. around the world. 

xI’m so looking forward to coming back to an America free of harsh words and name calling and be amongst people who I know have common ground and harmony. It’s a challenge but it can be done!— Mick Jagger (@MickJagger) November 7, 2020

Seriously. It’s not just we who have been forced to live under Trump who are relieved. It’s the whole damn world. 

Elsewhere in Europe …

And on the other side of the globe …

But let’s get back to the cities that made this happen. What’s happening, Atlanta? 

Masks up, flags up. 

Georgians aren’t worried about a recount … if Trump even pays for one.

I’m not sure where this happened but I feel like this MAGA-bot didn’t expect this response.

But sure, dude, let’s check in with MAGAworld. Just for a minute. 

This poor child (who is probably a teenager by now) is so close to freedom (from memes, anyway).

The silence truly was deafening from the right …

xHere’s what Mitch McConnell & his team have tweeted about since the presidential race was called in Joe Biden’s favor:MCCONNELL: No tweetsTHUNE: DittoBARRASSO: SameBLUNT: SameERNST: SameYOUNG: List of restaurants that are open in Indy— Laura Litvan (@LauraLitvan) November 7, 2020

… unless they were spewing nonsense.

Wow. We deserve a palate cleanser after that. 

In fact, we deserve two. My dearly departed hero made a promise we helped prove true. 

x“Be kind. Be hopeful. Be optimistic. Never get down. It’s all gonna be okay…We’re one people. We’re one family. We all live in the same house.” – John Lewis— Tim O’Brien (@TimOBrien) November 7, 2020

Dammit. Who’s cutting onions? Nobody, actually. I’m crying. Rep. Lewis was right. It is gonna be okay. It is gonna be alright. But before we put the Kleenex away, let’s check in with another American hero.

Time for a laugh .This definitely cracked me up. Be sure to watch till the end. 

Seriously, though, let’s give credit where it’s due. 

xIt’s also really important to mention this: non-white voters saved this democracy. GA would not have flipped, and overall Democratic turnout would’ve been insufficient w/o Black and Latino voters— abe 🎃 (@abel_craig) November 6, 2020

Hooray for Black voters! I worked at a 100% Black precinct that got drowned out by racist white voters for Trump. I cried on Election Night, but then …

xLet’s go!!!!! Black voters came through…again. Be proud as hell but do not stop! We must stay organized and keep working. We just tipping off. I promise you I’m here for y’all throughout! ✊🏾💪🏾🖤 @Morethanavote— LeBron James (@KingJames) November 6, 2020

And it wasn’t just Black voters.

xAnd the Navaho Nation! :1. of the 85,000 registered voters on Navajo 76,000 voted. 89% turn out2. Of those 76,000 voters 74,000 voted for Biden & 2,000 for Trump3. Biden’s current lead in Arizona sits at about 40,000♥️♥️♥️Ya’ah’teeh MFs— seabird (@burdettchris) November 7, 2020

Indigenous people made a HUGE difference in this election. 

xWith a lot of talk about Native voting in Arizona. I thought I would share 2 maps. The left is a map showcasing all 22 tribes in the state. The right an updated 2020 voting results maps by precinct. This give you an idea of how Indigenous communities voted in the 2020 election.— Shondiin Silversmith⁷ (@DiinSilversmith) November 6, 2020

A big ¡gracias! to the Latino voters! 

xLatino voters turned up and helped turn AZ blue for the first time in 24 years. Not only are we taking your jobs, we’re taking your states too! 😂😂😂— Liz Gonzales (@TheLizGonzales) November 4, 2020

The Biden-Harris win at the hand of Americans of color certainly doesn’t fix what Trump’s done to this country, though—or the hatred that ushered him into power in the first place. 

xVictory is not enough. It must be followed by de-Nazification.— Victor Laszlo (@Impolitics) November 7, 2020

The Trump “empire” hasn’t fallen, not by a longshot.

Just look at the popular vote, and how close it was. Roughly 70 million voters were just fine with four more years of Trump. Chances are, you know some of them.

xcan’t believe we have to skip the one thanksgiving where WE get to be annoying as fuck about the election— Kate Halliwell (@katehalliwell) November 7, 2020

But for every Uncle Racist and Aunt Trumplover out there, there’s a Grandma Liberal. I hope you didn’t put your Kleenex away.

I’m a sucker for dates and anniversaries and such, so this one got me in my feelings.

xCNN reports Biden was first elected to the senate this day in 1972.— Jewel Wicker (@jewelwickershow) November 7, 2020

President-elect Biden’s victory video was very moving, too. 

xAmerica, I’m honored that you have chosen me to lead our great country.The work ahead of us will be hard, but I promise you this: I will be a President for all Americans — whether you voted for me or not.I will keep the faith that you have placed in me.— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) November 7, 2020

I could go on forever, but I’m gonna end things here.

Look. I know I missed a TON of great celebrations in most of the cities who helped make this win happen, but I have a deadline and I’ve been working on this all day. So drop YOUR favorite scenes from Victory Day (are we calling it that?) below, and let’s have a victory party of our own in the comments!

Democrats can win the Senate. Are you still in this fight? Donate now to Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock to win the Georgia runoffs.

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