Tag: this

‘We Wouldn’t Be Having This Conversation.’ Henry Louis Gates Jr. on America’s Missed Opportunities for Racial Equality

February 20, 2020
Henry Louis Gates Jr., Emmy-winning historian and head of the Hutchins Center for African & African American Research at Harvard University, tells TIME about the origins of modern inequality, America’s missed opportunities and where the fight goes next. How do you see the state of equality today fitting into the history of equality? One of…

11 New Books We Recommend This Week

December 14, 2019
Editors’ ChoiceReligiously speaking, I’m something of a Christian mutt — the grandson of a Congregational minister, I was raised Presbyterian and educated at an Episcopal high school before converting to Catholicism almost a decade ago. (Before I did, I told a Jesuit friend that I had doubts. “Who doesn’t?” he said.) So the spiritually minded…

9 New Books We Recommend This Week

December 14, 2019
Editors’ ChoiceThere’s a funny moment in Kevin Wilson’s new novel, “Nothing to See Here” — it’s one of two novels we recommend this week — in which a 10-year-old girl tells her new caretaker that she loves reading but had nothing good to choose from at her grandparents’ house, where she and her twin brother…

“It is a abnormal sensation, this double-consciousness, this experience of at all times taking a look at one’s self during the eyes of others,…

March 12, 2017
“It is a atypical sensation, this double-consciousness, this experience of all the time one’s self during the eyes of others, of measuring one’s soul by way of the tape of a global that appears on in amused contempt and pity. One ever feels his two-ness,—an American, a Negro; two souls, two thoughts, two unreconciled strivings;