Tag: journalists

Mozambique: Municipal Police Condemned for Attack On Journalists

July 1, 2021
Maputo — The Mozambican chapter of the regional press freedom body MISA (Media Institute of Southern Africa) has strongly condemned the municipal police in the northern city of Nampula for a physical attack against four journalists on Tuesday. According to a MISA-Mozambique press release, the victims of the police assault all work on private television

Months after insurrection, America’s political journalists are back in their comfy safe space

May 18, 2021
Mere months after the United States passed half a million pandemic deaths due to willful public misinformation by elected officials and the attempted seizure of the U.S. Capitol so that the lawmakers within could be either forced into nullifying an election or executed for their unwillingness to do so, the new political story is “Democratic

China Freezes Credentials for Journalists at U.S. Outlets, Hinting at Expulsions

September 6, 2020
WASHINGTON — The Chinese government has stopped renewing press credentials for foreign journalists working for American news organizations in China and has implied it will proceed with expulsions if the Trump administration takes further action against Chinese media employees in the United States, according to six people with knowledge of the events.The actions and threats