Tag: executions

OAN Correspondent Calls for Executions of Thousands Over Fake Voter Fraud Claims

June 24, 2021
Pearson Sharp, a correspondent for the far-right One America News (OAN), has called for the executions of thousands of Americans over fake voter fraud claims. “How many people were involved in these efforts to undermine the [2020 general] election?” Sharp said on the air, pushing conspiracy theories that the election was fraudulent. “Hundreds? Thousands? Tens

I Oversaw Executions. We Cannot Resume the Federal Death Penalty.

December 17, 2019
Opinion|I Oversaw Executions. We Cannot Resume the Federal Death Penalty.The system has too many flaws for the Trump administration to carry out the executions it has scheduled for Monday.By Jim PetroMr. Petro is a former Ohio attorney general. Dec. 4, 2019The Department of Justice is seeking to carry out the first federal executions in 16…