Author: haroldpicklesimer

Black Panthers (1968) part 4

October 28, 2014
Les 10 points du Black Panther Party (BPP) / (7 à 9) Nous exigeons qu’il soit immédiatement mis un terme aux BRUTALITÉS POLICIÈRES et aux MEURTRES de Noirs. -Nous croyons qu’il est en notre pouvoir de faire cesser la brutalité policière contre la communauté noire, en organisant des groupes d’autodéfense qui auront pour tâche de

Eyes on the Prize – 03 – Ain\'t Scared of Your Jails 1960-1961

October 24, 2014
Ain’t scared of your jails chronicles the courage displayed by thousands of young people and college students who joined the ranks of the movement and gave it new direction. In 1960, lunch counter sit-ins spread across the South, may organized by the new, energetic Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee. In 1961, on the Freedom Rides, many

An Introduction to the Civil Rights Movement

October 12, 2014
A desktop documentary previewing the African American Civil Rights Movement with a focus on southern desegregation violence, school integration, and the important contributions of civil rights leaders Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks.