A people’s agenda for a better economy and a better nation

The seven-point platform is both a fundamental and ambitious list, ranging from specific policies to broad, aspirational goals:

COVID-19 relief that “meets the scale of the crisis” and directly addresses the pandemic’s disproportionate harm to Black, Indigenous, people of color and “other vulnerable communities”;
Programs to put people back to work, with a focus on moving the economy to clean, renewable energy—but also restoring and expanding worker rights, including union rights;
Ensuring health care for all;
Defending and expanding voting rights—including proposals to end gerrymandering and rein in corporate money in electoral campaigns;
Attacking institutional racism and white supremacy;
Turning away from militarism and “endless wars” in favor of a commitment to peaceful diplomacy;
Rejecting corporate greed and ending corporate monopoly. […]




“The crash did not cause the Depression: that was part of a far broader malaise. What it did was expose the weaknesses that underpinned the confidence and optimism of the 1920s – poor distribution of income, a weak banking structure and insufficient regulations, the economy’s dependence on new consumer goods, the over-extension of industry and the Government’s blind belief that promoting business interests would make America uniformly prosperous.”          ~~Lucy Moore, Anything Goes: A Biography of the Roaring Twenties, 2010


xAny dystopian fiction that ends with the awful truth coming to light and the people rising up in revolt now seems incredibly naive.— Jennifer Wright (@JenAshleyWright) December 26, 2020

Blast from the Past

On this date at Daily Kos in 2008—Rick Warren Doubles Down, Accuses Critics of Christophobia:

Rick Warren is doubling down and accusing his critics of “hate-speech” and “Christophobia.”

Rachel Maddow has the video, and takes Warren to task for the hypocrisy of saying that it’s unfair to call his views hateful while simultaneously accusing his critics of hate speech. Moreover, as Rachel notes, Warren flat-out lies about his comments comparing gay marriage to pedophilia and incest.

Setting aside Warren’s role as inaugural invocation speaker (for a brief moment), I don’t think there’s any way to defend what he is now saying. I accept the proposition that it’s possible to disagree on the issue of gay marriage without calling someone names.

But there’s really no comparison between gay marriage and incest or pedophilia, and if Warren thinks they are equivalent, he’s either a fan of incest and pedophilia, or he has serious problem with gay people. And calling his critics “Christophobes” just makes matters worse.

A simple apology from Warren for having made the comparison probably would have made this whole controversy go away. But now he’s doubling down, and it’s just making matters worse.

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