Tag: Marcus Garvey

Major Milestones in the African American Freedom Struggle

March 14, 2015
The African American Struggle for Freedom An Historical Overview The long freedom struggle of the African American was first and foremost against the institution of slavery. After the Civil War, many African Americans were elected to local, state, and federal office as African Americans struggled to build democracy in the American South. That period was known

RBG-How the FBI Sabotaged Black America, A Documentary by Gil Noble

October 3, 2014
The intentional destruction of Black America by the FBI using infiltration, counter-intelligence programs and drugs. From Marcus Garvey to Paul Robeson to Martin Luther King to Malcolm X to Fred Hampton, to the Black Panthers to heroin and crack, the FBI has worked to destroy black people. COMPANION: COINTELPRO REVISITED-FBI Domestic Intelligence Activities and the

W E B Dubois Souls of Black Folks and the Harlem Renaissance

June 3, 2014
W E B Dubois – Souls of Black Folks Questions and Answers What is the purpose of W.E.B Du Bois The Souls of Black Folks book?Im reading this book, but is quite hard to understand. What is the purpose of this author? What is he trying to let us understand? Thank you much! Please don’t

Booker T Washington and WEB Dubois

May 22, 2014
[monetize id=”1″] Questions and Answers Booker T Washington and WEB Dubois WEB Dubois VS booker T washington?I just wanna know the bad about the two. I know their intentions were good but i want to know the bad side to both people. Thank you 🙂 Any help is accepted :] Posted by Manuel [display_name id=”1″]W.E.B.