Tag: districts

Just 47 House districts flipped in the last three presidential elections. What do they tell us?

March 14, 2021
The majority of these districts—24 in total—swung in the Democratic direction over that period; these appear in yellow or green in the map above (and in a larger version here), which shows every district as the same size so that dense urban districts aren’t obscured and rural districts aren’t overemphasized. (You can find a traditional

Once-competitive districts held by freshman Democrats slip from GOP’s grasp

October 29, 2020
● NH-Sen (Likely D to Safe D): Republican Corky Messner has self-funded $6 million in his bid to unseat second-term Democratic Sen. Jeanne Shaheen, but he doesn’t have much to show for it: Every public poll of New Hampshire’s Senate race has shown Shaheen over 50% and Messner well behind. National Republicans haven’t paid him