Tag: Black Arts Movement

African American Artists: from history to art

January 4, 2015
black artists during the civil rights and liberation movements.

COINTELPRO – How the FBI Sabotaged Black America, A Documentary by Gil Noble

December 31, 2014
The intentional destruction of Black America by the FBI using infiltration, counter-intelligence programs and drugs. From Marcus Garvey to Paul Robeson to Ma...

Politics, Power and Idenity, The Black Arts Movement

October 2, 2014
http://harlemtalkradio.com The National Black Theatre held a symposium: The Black Arts Movement: Finding Identity In The Midst of Artistic and Political Upheaveal NYC Council Member Charles Barron, Dr. Leonard Jeffries, Dr. Rosalind Jeffries, Ademola Olugabefola, moderated by Ralph Carter. Politics, money and idenity, The Black Arts Movement – understanding how the game is played in

Poetry of the Black Arts Movement

October 2, 2014
A quick description of the Black Arts Movement, with some examples of the poetry that was influenced by it.

Sonia Sanchez-Black Arts Movement (BAM) to Hip Hop

September 30, 2014
This was a panel discussion from a few years back where several members of the Black Arts Movement spoke including poet Sonia Sanchez .. They gave up game on the History of the Black Arts Movement, their lives and the role art plays in shaping politics and the world around them..Here’s what Ms Sanchez had

Sonia Sanchez Speaks Truth to Power, Poetically [INTERVIEW]

April 27, 2014
Sonia Sanchez, great voice of the Black Arts Movement and beyond Consider it a creative insult to limit poetry’s national recognition to the month of April. Nonetheless, I thank the establishment (a.k.a. the Academy of American Poets) for establishing National Poetry Month, as readers politely dust the dirt off poetry titles too often neglected. For